Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wishcasting Yes

Today's prompt for Jamie Ridler's Wishcasting Wednesday is: What do you wish to say yes to?

Peculiar things, these wishes, my ego encourages me to play small. Keep it safe.
'Achievable', it whispers. Don't wish too grand cause people might point and laugh at your gall, and say I told you so when it doesn't come true.

Thanks, ego for trying to keep me free from harm, I really appreciate the gesture. However, just for today, I am going to make-believe that I am brave, fierce & confident and let my spirit take the lead.

  • I wish to say yes to opportunities that push me past the fear of not being good enough.
  • I wish to say yes to possibilities that I can't even imagine for myself that the universe has in store.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just write already!

C'mon, I dare ya. Bee someone!
As I sit here wanting to express myself, connect & contribute something with this blog I'm strangely aware of how I am a dichotomy of sorts. One part of me aches to do it correctly, to follow the rules & get it right in the proper order, while this other part of me wants to extend the middle finger to the rules and just march to the beat of my own distracted-but-amused drummer. 
I have started about 6 posts, all on various topics and they lie in wait in my drafts folder, waiting for the clarity to express myself authentically & so that I can do things in the right order, no putting the cart before the horse so to speak. But time moves really fast in the blog world, and writing about what I learned in 2010 already seems passé, especially since I haven't really sat down to ponder what those lessons have been yet. 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wishcasting for the New Year

Being a brand new blogger, this is my first time participating in the lovely Jamie Ridler's Wishcasting Wednesday, and what a delight it is to join in!

Jamie's prompt for this week is "What do you wish for for the New Year?"
With typical childlike enthusiasm I thought this would be an easy wish to make, yet as I allowed the thoughts & wishes to bounce around in my head, my heart had other plans. Though it is a story for another day, 2010 surprised me with overpowering doubts that clouded my joy of capturing life's everyday moments with photography & I put my beloved camera away.  Almost every day I miss that creative outlet, the chronicling of the little things that make me smile, or take my breath away.

My wish for the new year is to dissolve those doubts & once again embrace my passion for photography and be able to capture the beauty that is all around.

Monday, December 6, 2010

On becoming a blogger

For someone as intensely private as I am, it seems strange that I have even considered starting a blog, and the number of stops and starts, edits & reedits of the first post is a testament to that.  Yet, I feel a need to write, to connect with others, to find my voice and express myself, create, explore.
The idea to blog was born of twitter, with so many interesting & creative souls out there sharing snippets of their lives, their dreams, and being who they are. They made me want to join in, and after playing tug of war with the 'what do I possibly have to say that would be of interest to anyone' fear I decided to just do it already. It doesn't matter if no one reads what I have to say, what is important is that I be true to myself, and see where this journey takes me.