Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just write already!

C'mon, I dare ya. Bee someone!
As I sit here wanting to express myself, connect & contribute something with this blog I'm strangely aware of how I am a dichotomy of sorts. One part of me aches to do it correctly, to follow the rules & get it right in the proper order, while this other part of me wants to extend the middle finger to the rules and just march to the beat of my own distracted-but-amused drummer. 
I have started about 6 posts, all on various topics and they lie in wait in my drafts folder, waiting for the clarity to express myself authentically & so that I can do things in the right order, no putting the cart before the horse so to speak. But time moves really fast in the blog world, and writing about what I learned in 2010 already seems passé, especially since I haven't really sat down to ponder what those lessons have been yet. 

So in order to write when I feel like writing, what I feel like writing (which is the point of a blog, isn't it?) I have to release these self-imposed restrictions and decided to just write already. Because obsessing over whether I make sense, or if I sound clever is really counterproductive to being authentic and connecting.
My blog was started as a sounding board, a musing zone regarding topics that I feel passionate about, or to share things that inspire me, and to get over my fear of putting myself out there. The namesake of the blog, your dreams miss you, is all about taking time to rediscover childhood dreams  & also to discover again for the first time what stirs my soul.
I'm mad about creativity at the moment, and have started the creative everyday 2011 challenge, so you can expect posts on creativity, sharing of photography, and my attempts to learn to embrace my inner artist. 
I'm on a continual journey of self acceptance, and feel very strongly about the importance of developing self-love & a body image based in kindness & self-approval to counteract all the messages the media & society put out there, and I will be sharing my experiences here as well. I expect it to be like those surprise packages you'd get as a kid that were filled with things like candy & small toys or collectors cards, where although you can never be sure what you'll find, you know it is gonna be wonderful. 
Very simply it is a place for me to dream, to create, to share, connect and be authentically me. I do hope you'll join me and discover your dreams as well.

1 comment:

  1. I love the screen name, Magical Mysteria. Absolutely FABULOUS!!

    I started my blog about 5 months ago, for much the same reason. As an outlet for all the stories and creativity zooming around inside me. I haven't been much good about rules, either, but I've been so blessed by the journey. It's a wonderful thing to find community online and to express yourself.

    You're off to a great start!!
